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WRITEUP Seek You EI (Blind-SQLi)

Author: p4w @ beerpwn team

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First thing I had to do was to bypass the firwall that blocks the usage of _ character. As we noticed from the image above, this character is used by a vulnerable query as GET parameter name. The first trick is based on a bahavior of php that automatically converts the . into _, so we can use this behavior to bypass the restriction. The GET parameter is vulnerable to SQL-injection. The main problem here is that the output don’t change in any way if the query match for something or not. The first idea that I had is to leak the database using time-based technique, but unfortunately the firewall block us. I start to enumerate the firewall rules and comes out that sleep and bench words were blacklisted, then no time delay for us. Also other words match the firewall rules eg like,if etc… After a bit of try and errors I noticed that if the query has some syntax error, the server replies with a blank response that is different from the normal one. Then server error means blank response. So the idea that I had was: what if I control this behavior with a query in order to trigger a boolean condition to extract information? The question that I had to answer now was “how can I force a server error with a query?”. Well, after some time my brain comes out with an answer: using some “heavy” operation number to cause a MySQL server side error! To do that the pow() function seems to be a good candidate. Behaving that the flow was correct I builded a payload to prove that.

asd' OR pow(99999999, pow(99999999, pw regexp '^')) --

This payload will produce an error when the regex match because the regexp return 1, then the dbms has to calc 99999999^(99999999^1) and this result should be too big; instead when the regexp fail the match then it return 0 so the dbms calc should be 99999999^(99999999^0) = 99999999^1. Regex match generate blank resp: Image poc
Regex NOT match generate resp with contents: Image poc
As you can see from the image above the techinique works like a charm so we have the control over the server error and we can build our blind exploit from this behavior. Here you can find the full exploit that I written during the CTF. And here you can see the output of the script extracting the admin pwd:

Image of exploit

Oh and obviously flag time ;

Image of exploit

Cheers, p4w!